Hyperledger Horizon

Updates from Hyperledger Foundation, our members and the global community.

Hyperledger 8 -1

Let's Celebrate Hyperledger 8

🚀 Join us as we commemorate the 8th Anniversary of the Hyperledger Foundation and celebrate our collective work to advance enterprise-grade blockchain technologies.

TOC Update

TOC Governance Q&A

Are you curious about the developments in blockchain technology and its governance? The 2024 Hyperledger Foundation Technical Oversight Committee is paving the way for the future.


CBDC Ebook v2 Out Now

🚀 Get the latest insights into CBDC developments and how Hyperledger technologies are the most widely used in their deployments. 

Karen Ottoni

Latest CBDC Insights

Check out Karen L. Ottoni's latest FinTrender interview with Gustavo Cunha - especially her insights into Hyperledger tech and CBDCs!

Suyash Nayan_Hyperledger Mentorship Round-up blog (1200 × 675 px)

Mentorship Journey

📖 Check out the latest Hyperledger mentorship journey and learning curve of Suyash Nayan

bevel 1.0 image

Introducing Hyperledger Bevel v1.0!

This major release marks a pivotal moment in the journey toward creating an advanced blockchain automation tool.


Watch the Latest Hyperledger Bevel v1.0 Meetup!

Hear from leading contributors the new Hyperledger Bevel 1.0 version and future plans for the project.

Certified Service Provider

📢 Are you a service provider who specializes in professional blockchain and DLT services that support Hyperledger deployments?


Último webinar português do Hyperledger Besu

Este workshop oferece uma introdução abrangente ao Hyperledger Besu, abordando sua funcionalidade e princípios de funcionamento. 

Hyperledger Events:

Hyperledger Member News:

Hyperledger Foundation & Technologies in the News:

Hyperledger In Action:

Build better together

Join Industry-leading organizations collectively driving the development and adoption of Hyperledger technologies 

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