Hyperledger In-depth with IntellectEU: Worst mistakes to avoid when creating/managing your Hyperledger Fabric network

April 26 10:00 AM-11:00 AM PDT
In an ideal world, we anticipate pitfalls before ever encountering them. Hyperledger Fabric is a versatile, modular protocol, but it can also requires deep expertise to use. In this Hyperledger Foundation member webinar, specialists from Catalyst Blockchain Platform by IntellectEU offer hard-won lessons from extensive work with blockchain networks in production.
In the “Hyperledger In-depth with… .” series, Hyperledger members share learnings from their projects and try to answer all the hard questions about the pains of working with DLTs. It is not yet another webinar: participants will be encouraged to take part, come with prepared questions and voice opinions. Expect live demos and tutorials, stories from the battle field and hopefully some heated discussions. Let’s get out of the zoom fatigue and engage to share experiences and build a stronger community.
April 26 10:00 AM
April 26 11:00 AM
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