Hyperledger In depth: An hour with Splunk – Hyperledger Fabric Security Monitoring

December 1 10:00 AM-11:00 AM PST
Come meet Christoper Cordi, a recently showcased @Hyperledger Developer!
Learn more about Splunk’s Hyperledger Case Study here.
Security monitoring of Hyperledger Fabric networks requires ingesting and aggregating ledger, log, and metric data from many sources. It can be a challenge to correlate this data with system and network data to alert on indicators of suspicious behavior. Splunk, a Hyperledger member company, will discuss how to collect and act on this data to minimize downtime and reduce the meantime to detect and respond to incidents. Learn about the current Hyperledger Fabric threat landscape and see a real-world example of how to detect a Denial of Service attack.
December 1 10:00 AM
December 1 11:00 AM