Hyperledger In-depth: An hour with KrypC: Best practices and major obstacles for upgrading to Hyperledger Fabric Version 2.2

August 4 9:00 AM-10:00 AM PDT
The first Hyperledger Fabric major release since v1.0, Fabric v2.0 delivers important new features and changes for users and operators alike, including support for new application and privacy patterns, enhanced governance around smart contracts, and new options for operating nodes.
Hyperledger Fabric v2.0 introduces decentralized governance for smart contracts, with a new process for installing a chaincode on your peers and starting it on a channel. The new Fabric chaincode lifecycle allows multiple organizations to come to agreement on the parameters of a chaincode, such as the chaincode endorsement policy, before it can be used to interact with the ledger.
In this webinar, Hyperledger Member KrypC will discuss their experience updating their customer’s Hyperledger Fabric infrastructure to version 2.2, share some of the obstacles their customers faced, and how KrypC navigated these obstacles to ensure a successful update.
In the “Hyperledger In-depth: An hour with… .” series, Hyperledger members share learnings from their projects and try to answer all the hard questions about the pains of working with DLTs. It is not yet another webinar: participants will be encouraged to take part, come with prepared questions and voice opinions. Expect live demos and tutorials, stories from the battle field and hopefully some heated discussions. Let’s get out of the zoom fatigue and engage to share experiences and build a stronger community.