Hyperledger In-depth: An hour with Joisto Group Oy- Enabling GDPR Compliant Storage with Hyperledger Fabric

April 21 3:00 AM-4:00 AM PDT
Data is the new oil, and as with any valuable market, it is becoming very tightly regulated for all companies. Part of that regulation in Europe is GDPR which ensures the storage and retrieval of data is 100% irrefutable.
In this webinar Jani Partanen, CTO, of Hyperledger member Joisto will share first hand how they have implemented a production GDPR Compliant Storage offering with Hyperledger Fabric. Jani, with his team, will share their journey both business and technical and how document storage with blockchain-based integrity is set to increase data security and mitigate the pitfalls of privacy legislation. He will also explore how this will affect companies globally not just in Europe. Not to be missed.
Topics – with interactive sessions
What are GDPR requirements for document storage?
- Scope of GDPR
- Document disposal
- Individual Rights
- Proper security and practices
Why Blockchain for Document Storage integrity?
- Blockchain as proof of integrity
- Conflict between blockchain and GDPR
- High volume vs high value
The Joist technical and business journey with lessons learnt
- Business justification
- Why Hyperledger Fabric
- The Architecture and implementation
- Lessons learnt
In the “Hyperledger In-depth: An hour with… .” series, Hyperledger members share learnings from their projects and try to answer all the hard questions about the pains of working with DLTs. It is not yet another webinar: participants will be encouraged to take part, come with prepared questions and voice opinions. Expect live demos and tutorials, stories from the battle field and hopefully some heated discussions. Let’s get out of the zoom fatigue and engage to share experiences and build a stronger community.